It really doesn't take much for Cornette to go on a patented Vince Russo Rant.Homicide in 2006, then Kevin Steen through 2011 to 2012.He once tried to render Baby Doll sterile.The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson), The Road Warriors and then the expies of the former group, the Rockers, especially Shawn Michaels.Angrish: His hatred of Vince Russo is so intense that he sometimes has trouble forming coherent sentences when he's extremely angry at Russo.He has also made very fawning comments about the Midnight Express while at the same time expressing contempt for many women while hiding behind M.E., but Cornette's reactions to them getting him alone suggest he wasn't so much disgusted by them as confused and embarrassed about finding them attractive. Ambiguously Gay: Cornette managed "Exotic" Adrian Street in place of Miss Linda and fans wouldn't let him forget it years after the fact.Age-Inappropriate Dress: While managing in Mid-South Wrestling he was more than once forced to wear a diaper, usually as the result of a lost wager.

Cornette was a bit disturbed but took it as a sign of respect from Lumis, who at least on social media, stays in character meaning he was trying to show that he was a fan of Cornette and messing with his head for fun.
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He has worked with or for nearly every major pro wrestling group in the United States, from the NWA to WCW to WWE to TNA to Ring of Honor to MLW, as well as running his own promotion Smoky Mountain Wrestling and spending several years in charge of WWE's developmental promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling.

With signature tennis racket in hand, JC has managed many great tag teams and wrestlers, most notably The Midnight Express, Jeff Jarrett, Yokozuna and Vader. A former ringside photographer who was offered a more active role in his profession in 1982 by Christine Jarrett and her son, Jerry and supposedly funded by his mother's riches ( who made her money selling wrestling merchandise), his instantly recognizable Southern accent and angry motormouth have entertained fans for over three decades. James Mark Cornette (born September 17, 1961) is one of the all time greatest and most colorful wrestling managers, note He won The Wrestling Observer Newsletter's "Manager of the Year" award for 12 out of the 14 years between 19 that they awarded it promoters and personalities of The '80s and '90s.